From activating sports courses to weather prognosesIdeas and Venture Fund to Support 20 New Projects
6 May 2020, by Christina Krätzig

Photo: UHH
Universität Hamburg has selected 20 projects to receive funding this year from the Ideas and Venture Fund, which totals €688,000. The fund was created as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments and facilitates short-term funding for especially promising research approaches.
University researchers submitted a total of 63 applications. Created as part of the Excellence Strategy, the Research Committee reviewed the applications, focusing on 4 criteria: quality and coherence of the application, relevance to the planned third-party-funding application, applicants’ qualifications and academic performance, and the extent to which the application would foster Universität Hamburg’s research profile. Each criterion could garner up to 5 points.
Eight applications received the maximum 20 points. Seven of the applications to receive funding were submitted by early career researchers. Projects from the Faculties of Humanities; Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN); Business Administration (Hamburg Business School); Education; Economics, Business and Social Sciences (WiSo); Law; and Psychology and Human Movement were reviewed.
Congratulations to all of the successful applicants!
- Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bähr (Education): Kriterien eines aktivierenden Sportunterrichts
- Prof Dr. Christian Beer (MIN): Treibhausgasemissionen aus Sibirischen Permafrost-Ökosystemen: Prozesse, Strukturen, und Rückkopplungen mit dem Klima
- Prof. Dr. Julia Kehr (MIN): Etablierung eines neuartigen Verfahrens zur Quantifizierung von epigenetisch modifizierten Proteinen bei Infektionen
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Lydia Mechtenberg (WiSo): Die mikroökonomische Analyse bedeutender struktureller Umbrüche
- Dr. Markus Perbandt (MIN): Temperaturkontrollierte Enzymologie anhand multidimensionaler serieller Kristallographie
- Prof. Dr. Petra Steinorth (Business Administration): Human Forecasting Behavior and the Forming of Expectation: The Role of Genetic Dispositions in the Decision-Making Process
- Prof. Dr Nedjeljka Zagar (MIN): Atmospheric Predictability: Revisiting the Initialization of Divergent Flows in the Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann (Education): Vorbereitung der Beantragung eines Sonderforschungsbereichs (SFB) bei der DFG zur Hochschuldidaktik
- Dr. Nataliya Chukhrova (Business Administration): Effizientes Monitoring von hochqualitativen Prozessen im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Gesundheitsvorsorge
- Jun.-Prof. Oliver Gerberding (MIN): Athermale Optomechaniken hoher Güte für laserinterferometrische Gravitationswellendetektion der nächsten Generation am Quantenlimit
- Prof. Dr. Jonas Schreyögg (Business Administration): Assessing Patients’ Valuations of Treatments Considering Outcomes
- Dr. Michael Engel (Humanities): Printing Aristotle during the Italian Renaissance: Cultural, Textual and Philosophical Perspectives
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Sprenger (Education): Repräsentation von Konsens, Zuverlässigkeit und Unsicherheit im Kontext des Klimawandels in Bildungsmedien
- Dr. Tom Tölle (Humanities): Ein lmperium auf Papier und Pergament: Chancen und Grenzen der Wissenstransmission am Ende des Alten Reiches (1789–1848)
- Dr. Monique Liebers (MIN): Bright Future—durch Starklichtadaption zur Biomasseproduktion
- Dr. Ingo Fiedler (WiSo): Untersuchung der Nutzung von glücksspielähnlichen Produkten mit Zahlungsmöglichkeiten durch Jugendliche
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert (Humanities): International Workshop: Literature in the Republic of Vietnam (1955–1975) and the Reception of Modern Western Thought
- Dr. Martin Husemann (MIN): Assessing Genetic Impoverishment and Extinction Risk in Two Rare Relic Species of Insects Using Museum Genomics and Ecological nNche Modeling
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Moritz Drupp (WiSo): The Full Distributional Effects of Environmental Policies
- Dr. Nadine Leisner (Humanities): Creating Identites: Familienbilder und Identitätsbildung in den Donauprovinzen des Römischen Reiches