Ideas and Venture FundFirst-time funding for early career researchers
16 July 2024, by Newsroom editorial office

Photo: Frank von Wieding
Every year, researchers at Universität Hamburg can apply for funding from the Ideas and Venture Fund to prepare a major externally funded project. This year, for the first time, the funding was exclusively for early career researchers. Now, the 9 selected projects are getting underway.
Nine researchers can now put their projects into action until October 2025. The sums awarded range from about €10,000 and €50,000. This year, three applications from the Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, two from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, two from the Faculty of Humanities, and one each from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences were successful.
This year, there were some changes to the procedure: in addition to the new target group of early career researchers, there is also the newly founded Ideas and Venture Fund review panel. The panel consists of early career researchers from the University of Hamburg who were already successful in the preferred formats (e.g., ERC Starting Grant, Emmy Noether independent junior research group head, Federal Ministry of Education and Research [BMBF] early career research group leader). The University of Hamburg thus relies on a peer-review process for the Ideas and Venture Fund and gives its early career researchers the opportunity to broaden and deepen their experience in assessing applications. Moreover, in the future, there will be an application round twice a year.
The Ideas and Venture Fund is financed from funding granted to Universität Hamburg as part of the Excellence Strategy. One of the conditions for funding from the Ideas and Venture Fund is a substantive link to an emerging field or profile initiative at the University of Hamburg. Read more information about the Ideas and Venture Fund.
Funding recipients and their projects
Dr. Sophia Dege-Müller, Faculty of Humanities, Vollständige Katalogisierung der Handschriften der Beta Israel (äthiopisch jüdische Tradition) in öffentlichen Sammlungen
Dr. Marlene Dirschauer, Faculty of Humanities, Repetition and Redemption in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Religious Poetry
Dr. Clara S. Hemshorn de Sanchez, Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, Jenseits der Worte: Nonverbales Verhalten in Verhandlungen
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Kulmus, Faculty of Education, Unsichtbarkeit älterer Frauen mit Migrationsgeschichte im urbanen Raum? Eine Analyse von Lern- und Literalitätsräumen einer wenig beachteten Zielgruppe
Dr. Fariba Mostajeran Gourtani, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Green XR: Human-Nature Interaction in Immersive Multisensory Extended Reality Environments
Dr. Andrea Thorn, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Seeking How Micro-scale Protein Structural Changes by Alternative Splicing Trigger Macro-scale Systemic Changes to Define Cellular Functions (SHIFT)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nina Perkowski, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Reimagining Urban Security in Europe and Beyond
Dr. Diane Rekow, Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, Pilot Studies on the Development and Plasticity of Multisensory Perception and the Effect of Sight Deprivation, Environment and Training in Infants, Children and Adults
Dr. Alexa Ruel, Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, Credit Assignment as a Mechanism for Age-Related Deficits in Decision-Making