Universität Hamburg and Macquarie University continue on their common pathStrategic Partnership for Doctoral and Early Career Researcher Support
3 March 2023, by Newsroom editorial office
Photo: UHH/Schreiber
The main focus of a visit to Universität Hamburg by a delegation from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) was support for doctoral and early career researchers. Among other things, the universities’ presidents extended a university-wide agreement for a master’s student exchange.
At first, the delegation accompanying vice chancellor Prof. S. Bruce Dowton visited the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences. In his conversation with the dean, Prof. Dr. Norbert Ritter, and vice dean, Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen, they discussed deeper cooperation between the departments involved when it comes to support for doctoral and early career researchers.
Afterwards, the University’s president, Prof.Dr. Hauke Heekeren, greeted the delegation. The leadership of both universities especially emphasized their very close and trusting cooperation at all levels of their institutions, from students, doctoral and early career researchers, and administrative staff to researchers. Both universities have signed several agreements and contracts to formalize their cooperation. At the end of the visit, Bruce Dowton and Hauke Heekeren signed an extension of the University-wide agreement for master’s student exchange.
The strategic partnership between Universität Hamburg and Macquarie University has been in place since 2012. There are funding opportunities for various status groups at Universität Hamburg through the Department of International Affairs. There will also be common events and activities. Both universities, alongside Fudan University from 2015 to 2021, were part of the DAAD-funded trilateral network MQ-FU-HAM that is now being funded autonomously by the participating universities.