Guide for the first semester at Universität HamburgSo you are enrolled—now what?
23 September 2020, by Newsroom-Redaktion
Photo: Frank von Wieding
Starting your studies is exciting enough; but beginning your studies during the coronavirus pandemic is a particular challenge. Here, we provide answers to some important questions as well as some useful links in order to help you make a successful start to your studies. We welcome all first-year students!
How will studies be taught during Winter Semester 2020/21?
Only a small percentage of courses will be offered in person; the majority will be offered digitally. Our regularly updated FAQ provides all the answers to the most important questions regarding the coronavirus pandemic and how it will affect semester operations.
What is happening with events for first-year students, preparatory courses, and orientation modules?
Due to the measures adopted to contain the coronavirus pandemic, preparatory courses and orientation modules will primarily take place digitally in the week from 26 to 30 October 2020. Find the current schedule for the preparatory courses and orientation modules on the relevant web page. Contact your faculty’s academic office for any further information.
The team from PIASTA, an international program for all students and alumni, invites all international and German first-year students to attend their Welcome Week from 19 to 25 October 2020. The PIASTA team will notify you in good time on its web pages about whether events will be held digitally due to the coronavirus situation.
The Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss der Universität Hamburg (AStA—student council) is the elected representative committee for all students. The AStA is hosting a university-wide welcome week from 19 to 23 October 2020. Depending on the situation at the time, events will be held digitally if required. Find further information on the AStA web pages.
The enrollment celebration for this winter semester will be held digitally. You can find up-to-date information via social media channels and the Universität Hamburg website.
What technology do I require for digital courses?
It is important that you have a working Internet connection (e.g., DSL or Wi-Fi) As an enrolled student, you receive a user login (UHH-Kennung) (which is not the same as the STiNE username) and an email address ( You can set up this account on the Regional Computing Center (RRZ) web page.
Students can access the University’s Wi-Fi network at many locations. However, you must first set up a connection. You require a user login (UHH-Kennung) to set up and use the University’s Wi-Fi. You will also use this login for your Universität Hamburg email account. The RRZ has provided instructions for setting up the Wi-Fi connection.
Where do I find information on my studies, tests, and organizing my studies?
The faculties’ academic offices are the first point of contact for students with questions or concerns about their studies. The staff are there to help. You can find information on degree programs as well as useful handouts, applications, and forms on the academic offices’ web pages.
How can I reach the Campus Center?
The Campus Center houses the central student administration, which handles all administrative issues such as semester reenrollment and academic leave. Here you will also find the central counseling centers, which provide advice for those with learning problems, writer’s block, examination anxiety, too much work, or personal crises.
Currently, you have to first contact the Campus Center in writing or by telephone. To contact in writing, use the Campus Center forum —an online platform for inquiries about the topics of application, admission, and studies—or the contact form for personal inquiries if you wish to discuss personal matters or send documents.
To contact by telephone, visit the web pages to find the relevant Campus Center contact and advising service.
Where do I find further information on studies at Universität Hamburg?
Visit the “Information for First-Year Students” page or download the guide Studi-Navigator (in German). These contain key dates for the start of the semester; information on student financing, advice, jobs, leisure activities, cultural events, and useful addresses and contacts; and additional important tips.
How else can I stay informed?
We regularly post University-related news on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube channels. We also recommend the University magazine 19NEUNZEHN, which contains interesting interviews, information, and stories concerning campus life.