Digital teaching with international partners
The Digital Teaching by International Partners funding line aims at supporting scientists and scholars at Universität Hamburg to offer additional digital teaching (e.g. lectures, sessions) conducted by international partners. Funding should be used for international collaboration and online teaching. These additional special formats should enhance the students' ability to learn digitally, develop intercultural competencies and adapt to digital learning and teaching methods. Applications can be filed by members of Universität Hamburg, funding be directed to teaching by international partners.
Long-term goal is to strengthen and further cooperation with international partners in teaching and the development of more complex joint digital formats, such as joint programs and joint degrees. This funding line provides a starting opportunity towards this goal.
| Eligibility: scientists and scholars from Universität Hamburg
| Target group: scientists and scholars from partner institutions
| Program objectives: to internationalize teaching through collaboration with international partner institutions; e.g.: lectures and sessions by international partners in addition to the curriculum
| Funding: EUR 500 for 90 minutes teaching; if more funding is required for more comprehensive special formats, please contact the Department of International Affairs, Section 51 before applying (contacts listed in application form)
| Application period: ongoing, until the depletion of funds
Information on how to apply
We recommend consulting the Department of International Affairs, Section 51, at Universität Hamburg prior to starting the application process. Afterwards, please send the completed application form (PDF) to your contact at the Department of International Affairs (contacts listed in application form).
Application deadline: 1. Ongoing; ends when funding is depleted; 2. Applications must be submitted before the envisioned activity takes place.
Restrictions: only two funding grants per person per budgetary year
Application criteria:
- Applicant must be employed at Universität Hamburg
- Project/activity is an addition to the curriculum (the applied for activity cannot be offset with regular teaching load)
- Project/activity is in collaboration with an eligible international partner
The following selection criteria will be considered in the final decision. They focus especially on sustainable cooperation:
- Teaching is conducted with an eligible international partner (see above for partner list)
- Teaching is in addition to the existing curriculum
- Lecturer is employed by an eligible partner institution
- Teaching provides an additional international component to students
- Teaching is feasible with current University instructions regarding COVID19 in place, including the general ban on both domestic and international work-related travel
Export control, academic freedom, and in-depth review procedure
The Department of International Affairs helps Universität Hamburg researchers by minimizing the risk of and providing a sound basis for international cooperation. In 2020, Universität Hamburg’s Executive University Board resolved to establish a review process for international cooperation. The University Administration will review funding applications and cooperation agreements with international partners with regard to the upholding of academic freedom and the requirements of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). If cooperation topics are relevant to further control rights issues, and if the cooperating institution is located in a country that the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) has listed as restricting academic freedom, an in-depth review procedure will be initiated. Both the first and the in-depth review will be conducted within strictly defined parameters.
General criteria
Further funding criteria include compliance with all essential application requirements (see “Applying”) and the availability of funding.
Funding use:
- For remuneration and technical realization; University's instructions regarding COVID19 apply, including the general ban on both domestic and international work-related travel
- Funding can generally be spent on the employment of student employees and assistants. As a rule, it is not possible to increase existing positions in the academic staff. Likewise, approved funds can in general not be taken to other universities (e.g. if the employment relationship changes)
Funding amount
- Maximum funding amount: generally EUR 500 for 90 minutes of teaching; funding can be higher if envisoned activity requires a more comprehensive and longer format
Expense claims (academic staff Universität Hamburg):
- Applicant handles funding in agreement with the Department of International Affairs
Claims and report:
- Applicants must submit a detailed expense claim for the funding as well as a report (Word document) within 6 weeks of the end of the project/activity. Submit these to the Department of International Affairs