Awarding scholarships
Scholarships are granted according to uniform principles in order to guarantee equal opportunity, transparency, and legal certainty. The conditions were set forth by the Executive University Board on 05 December 2022 in the Directive for the Awarding of Scholarships at the University of Hamburg (excluding UKE) (PDF, accessible).
The directive covers scholarships that provide funding primarily for living expenses and educational materials during the period for which it is awarded but does not encompass funds for study-related travel abroad. The directive does not apply to scholarships by third-party providers that award their own scholarships to recipients.
In the corresponding directive guidelines (PDF, accessible), the conditions for awarding scholarships pursuant to the Directive for the Awarding of Scholarships at the University of Hamburg (excluding UKE) are clarified in greater detail. The guidelines illuminate the requirements for awarding scholarships, the application procedure, funding amounts, status, and obligations on the part of recipients.
Scholarship lengths and amounts are based on a recipient’s academic qualification level.
For recipients: permissible income from part-time jobs will increase from €538 to €556 as of 1 January 2025.
Starting on 1 January 2025, scholarship recipients at the University of Hamburg may earn €556 per month in permissible part-time jobs without endangering their scholarship funding. This applies to scholarships awarded pursuant to the University of Hamburg’s guidelines and for which there are no deviating guidelines from the funding provider.
Background: As with the last increase in allowable earnings, there has been a change in the statutory minimum wage (see the Vierte Verordnung zur Anpassung der Höhe des Mindestlohns, MiLoV4 published in the BGBI (Federal Law Gazette, 2023 I No. 321 dated 29 November 2023 / 1 January 2024) in conjunction with the Verdienstgrenze für Geringfügig Beschäftigte (Section 8 subsection 1 No. 1 and Section 8a of the German Social Security Code IV), which according to the University’s guidelines forms the basis for permissible earnings for scholarship holders.
Note that for your specific scholarship and depending on the funding program, there may be special conditions! Earning more than the stipulated limit or your individual income status may result in tax-related or social-security-related consequences for your scholarship.
Possibility of providing qualification scholarship increases for doctoral researchers
From 1 October 2024, qualification scholarships for doctoral researchers can be topped up in justified individual cases, whereby the sum of the scholarship and the increase may not exceed the amount of a qualification scholarship for postdoctoral researchers doing a Habilitation or a research scholarship for doctoral graduates.
This regulation applies to scholarships awarded in accordance with the University of Hamburg’s scholarship guidelines, unless otherwise specified by the funding provider. The basic amount of the qualification scholarships for doctoral researchers is based on the German Research Foundation (DFG) guidelines, as is the possibility to increase and the associated conditions. The current basic amount is €1,365 and can be increased to €1,750 in justified individual cases.
If you would like to make use of this regulation when awarding a scholarship, contact us so that we can examine the case and clarify the details.
Higher funding amounts for qualification scholarships for students €992 (instead of the previous €934)
Starting 1 October 2024, the monthly funding amounts awarded in accordance with the UHH guidelines will be increased to a binding rate of €992 for bachelor’s and master’s degree students (BA/MA).
This is based on the 29th German federal training assistance amendment act (BAföG-Änderungsgesetz), announced on 24 July 2024 in the Federal Law Gazette. The University of Hamburg provisions for the target group of students based on the highest BAföG funding amount, and the funding contributions will be updated accordingly from €934 to €992, starting in Winter Semester 2024/25.
For scholarships that have already been granted and to which only the University of Hamburg guidelines apply, the scholarship provider is free to decide, pursuant to a contractual amendment, to increase the basic amount of €992 established as of 1 October 2024.
The 29th BAföG amendment act also introduced a flexible semester. This allows qualification scholarships awarded in accordance with University of Hamburg guidelines to be extended by up to 6 months, starting 1 October 2024.
Changes to research grant payments for postdoctoral researchers: €1,751 to €2,870 (instead of €1,751 to €2,670), research grants for established researchers: €2,871 to €3,370 (instead of €2,671 to €3,170)
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has adjusted its rates for both postdoctoral researchers and for experienced researchers each by €200 for approvals granted from 1 April 2024.
As research grants at the University of Hamburg are based on the rates used by the DFG, this also applies to the University of Hamburg.
The range of research grants for postdoctoral researchers (doctorate completed 2–4 years prior) is now €1,751–€2,870.
Research grants for experienced researchers (doctorate completed more than 4 years prior) now have a range of €2,871–€3,370.
For scholarships that have already been granted and for which only the University of Hamburg guidelines apply, the scholarship provider is free to decide, pursuant to a contractual amendment, to increase the rates to within the ranges established as of 1 April 2024.
For recipients: starting on 1 January 2024—increased income from part-time jobs possible (€538 instead of €520)
The minimum wage has been posted by the BGBI (Federal Law Gazette)—see the Vierte Verordnung zur Anpassung der Höhe des Mindestlohns (Vierte Mindestlohnanpassungsverordnung, MiLoV4). 2023 I No. 321 of 29 November 2023 raised as of 1 January 2024. Accordingly, the associated earning limitation for part-time employees pursuant to the Verdienstgrenze für Geringfügig Beschäftigte (Section 8 subsection 1 No. 1 and Section 8a of the German Social Security Code IV) will also be set higher.
The limitation for a so-called “mini job” will now be €538 per month.
If you earn money above and beyond the scholarship, see the requirements set forth in the respective directive. Earning more or the individual income situation of the scholarship recipient can have tax or social security consequences or impact the scholarship itself.
Part-time jobs may also be permissible within limits. You can find the regulations in the directive in question; some regulations may concern the duration and the hours of the part-time job.
Changes to basic doctoral scholarship amount: €1,365 starting on 1 January 2024 (previously €1,000–€1,365)
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has adjusted its amounts for new grants starting on 1 January 2024. To date, doctoral scholarships amounted to a basic monthly grant between €1,000 and €1,365. The provider was permitted to determine the maximum amount within this range. For projects granted from 1 January 2024, the doctoral scholarship will now be fixed at a binding monthly €1,365. The €103 materials allowance remains the same.
Because the doctoral scholarships at the University of Hamburg are based on the amounts used by the DFG, the rule also applies for the University of Hamburg.
For doctoral scholarships granted from 1 January 2024, this means there will be a binding amount of €1,365 (basic amount), or €1,468 including the materials allowance.
For scholarships that have already been granted and for which only the University of Hamburg guidelines apply, the scholarship provider is free to decide, pursuant to a contractual amendment, to increase the basic amount of €1,365 (or €1,468 including the materials allowance) established as of 1 January 2024.
New sample contracts
From 1 March 2023, revised sample contracts will be used. This not only involves current scholarships but also the new short-term fellowships which are awarded according to the University directive.
There is a newly added information sheet for scholarship holders.
We have also improved the tax questionnaire for possible inquiries from the internal revenue office (Finanzamt) and the internal information to facilitate processing.
New scholarship directive and guideline
New scholarship directive and guideline
We can now provide revised versions of the Directive on the Awarding of Scholarships at the University of Hamburg (excluding UKE),the directive guidelines, and the appendix to the directive: Overview of University of Hamburg scholarships (excluding UKE), valid from 5 December 2022.
The information sheets also include new information on short-term scholarships for equal opportunity and urgent assistance in emergency situations.
New: Short-term scholarships for equal opportunity and in emergency situations
In its session of 5 December 2022, the Executive University Board resolved to offer short-term scholarhips to foster equal opportunity and as emergency aid. This allows doctoral researchers, students who recently received a doctorate, and researchers facing equal opportunity disadvantages or who through no fault of their own find themselves in an emergency situation to apply for a short-term scholarhip of up to 6 months. This will enable them to concentrate on their continuing education or research and to develop their academic potential.
More information to follow.
If you have questions, contact Ms. Todt at +49 40 42838-4111 or suenje.todt"AT"
Higher funding rates for qualification scholarships
The 27th BAföG amendment act, announced in the Federal Law Gazette on 21 July 2022, increased the maximum funding rate from €861 to €934, commencing Winter Semester 2022/23.
As the the monthly funding amount for qualification scholarships is set to the maximum rate under the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG), rates for qualification scholarships will also increase to €934 from 1 October 2022.
- Directive on the Awarding of Scholarships at the University of Hamburg (excluding UKE) (PDF, accessible) / German version (PDF, accessible)
- Guidelines to the Directive on the Awarding of Scholarships at the University of Hamburg (excluding UKE) (PDF, accessible) / German version (PDF, accessible)
- Appendix: overview of University of Hamburg Scholarships (PDF, accessible)/ German version (PDF, accessible)