The Deutschlandstipendien office and the study preparation program for refugees #UHHhilft have been cooperating since 2016. Over the years, many students with a refugee background at Universität Hamburg have been supported by a Deutschlandstipendium (such as the Ukrainian Liudmyla Padalko (see...
Deutschlandstipendium: more than one million euros in funding for the first time
16 February 2024, by TransferAgentur

Photo: Daniel Müller
280 young students are being supported by the Deutschlandstipendium at Universität Hamburg this year. This is a new record - as is the total amount of funding, which will exceed one million euros for the first time in 2024. The new scholarship recipients were officially welcomed at the award ceremony on February 15 in the Anna Siemsen lecture hall at the University of Hamburg.
This year's 280 recipients bring the total number of Deutschlandstipendium scholarships awarded at the University of Hamburg since the program was introduced in 2015 to 1,475. The funding is aimed at particularly talented and committed students, regardless of their subject area. They receive financial support of 300 euros per month, half of which is provided by companies, foundations, associations and private individuals. The other half is provided equally by the federal government and the state of Hamburg.
Thanks to the great commitment of a total of 93 sponsors, the University of Hamburg is able to pay out more than one million euros in pure scholarship money for the first time this year. The supporters are also involved in the extensive accompanying program, which offers the scholarship holders and sponsors many opportunities for networking and exchange.
At the evening event on February 15, the new scholarship holders were officially welcomed and presented with a certificate. University President Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren opened the program with a welcoming address. The award-winning duo of former Deutschlandstipendium students, con:trust, provided the musical accompaniment. At the reception that followed, sponsors and scholarship holders had the opportunity to talk to each other.
Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren, President of the University of Hamburg: “The development of the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Hamburg is impressive and more than just a study grant: it is an instrument of social commitment and helps to build bridges between us as a flagship university and the metropolitan region. Opening up to society is a central goal and the scholarship makes an important contribution to the future viability of our society by supporting talented young people and thus training the specialists of tomorrow. I would like to express my special thanks to all sponsors, because thanks to them, the program now has a volume of one million euros!”
All visitors to the event were also invited to help design a pop-up exhibition: A “time travel of aufWACHSEN” brought together photos of milestones in the educational biography: from the proud pose with a school bag at school enrolment to the relieved moment when the doctorate certificate was presented. In total, more than 300 people took part in the award ceremony.
The University of Hamburg currently supports 280 students with the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The excellence scholarship of 300 euros per month is funded in equal parts by the federal government/the state of Hamburg and non-governmental sponsors. If you have any questions about the scholarship program, please contact Dr. Andrea Schultze, Head of the Deutschlandstipendium Office, via e-mail at <strong></strong>(andrea.schultze"AT"