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Photo: UHH/vonWieding

Campus Center

Guide to abbreviations

BA/MA = Bachelor/Master of Arts
BSc/MSc = Bachelor/Master of Science
LLB/LLM = Bachelor/Master of Laws
MEd = Master of Education
SE = Staatsexamen (state examination)
Dipl./Mag./Kirchl. = Diplom/Magister/theological
Bakk. = Bakkalaureat
WS/SoSe = Winter semester/Summer semester
as MS = as minor subject (not applicable to MA/MSc programs)
GER/ENG = German and English

JUR = Faculty of Law
WISO = Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
MED = Faculty of Medicine
EW = Faculty of Education
GW = Faculty of Humanities
MIN = Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
PB = Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
BWL = Faculty of Business (Hamburg Business School)