Here you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions:
General Conditions
- What does a University employee earn?
- How many hours make up the working week, and how many days of vacation leave are granted?
- Can I also work part-time?
- It is possible to work remotely, for example, from home?
- How does Universität Hamburg help employees to balance work and family?
- Are positions at Universität Hamburg temporary (untenured) or permanent (tenured)?
- What professional development opportunities are there at Universität Hamburg?
Types of employment at Universität Hamburg
- Who is my employer, the University or the City of Hamburg?
- Can I acquire tenured academic office or civil servant status at Universität Hamburg?
- What types of employment are available to students?
- What vocational training opportunities does Universität Hamburg offer?
Applying for a job at Universität Hamburg
- How do I find current vacancies at Universität Hamburg?
- What should I expect at the job interview?
- Will I receive a confirmation that my application has been received?
- When can I expect a response to my application?
- How do I find out the current status of an academic search procedure for a professor?
- How long does the application process take?
- Whom can I contact if I have questions on the status of my application?
- Who can see my data?
- The job advertisement states that men are underrepresented in that salary group and are encouraged to apply. As a woman, should I apply anyway?
General Conditions
What does a University employee earn?
Salary payments for pay scale employees at Universität Hamburg are regulated under the collective wage agreement for the public sectors of the German states (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder, TV-L). Positions are allocated to pay scale levels ranging from 1 to 15. The pay scale level is indicated in the job advertisement.
The pay scale level determines the salary to be paid for a particular position. The gross salary payments increase in increments as your experience increases. When you start working at Universität Hamburg. your level of experience will be assessed depending on your experience in the same fields of activity. For example: Just starting out, first job holder: Level 1, one year of professional experience: Level 2, more than three years of professional experience: Level 3. The current amounts paid can be found in the pay scale table.
Salaries for civil servants are regulated by the Hamburg civil service pay scale act (Hamburgisches Besoldungsgesetz, HmbBesG).
How many hours make up the working week, and how many days of vacation leave are granted?
Full-time positions for pay scale employees currently comprise 39 hours per week and 40 hours for civil servants. Vacation leave for a 5-day week amounts to 30 days per year. If you work less than a 5-day week, the number of vacation days will be reduced accordingly.
Can I also work part-time?
There are a range of options for pay scale employees and civil servants wanting to change their working time. Working time can be reduced, particularly for familial reasons (child care, caregiving). There is, however, also the option to reduce your working hours for a set period of time, without providing any justification for so doing.
It is possible to work remotely, for example, from home?
In principle, yes, you may complete part of your work from home. This requires that certain conditions are fulfilled (e.g., task assignment, personal requirements). In this, Universität Hamburg differentiates between various forms, which are described in more detail in the Staff Service Portal.
In addition, almost all workplaces are equipped with mobile devices that make flexible and mobile working arrangements possible.
How does Universität Hamburg help employees to balance work and family?
Universität Hamburg wants to make the balance between studies and family or work and family a natural part of University life. For this reason, the Family Office was set up in January 2012 to provide family services to all members of the University. The Family Office is the central point of contact and information for Universität Hamburg students, academics, and technical and administrative staff.
Its main function is to coordinate the information that will help you balance studies or work and family. The Family Office provides up-to-date information and a broad range of advising services. You can find out more about family-friendly matters in the Family Office flyer (PDF) or at their information events.
Are positions at Universität Hamburg temporary (untenured) or permanent (tenured)?
Universität Hamburg is obliged to avoid creating uncertain employment conditions. That means: Permanent positions must be created to fulfill tasks and duties due to arise over the long term.
Time limits imposed during periods of qualification in academia are in accordance with the academic fixed-term labor contract act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG). In principle, this provides for a 6-year qualification period until the end of the doctorate and for 6 years after the doctorate has been granted (date on the diploma). These times may be extended, for example, in the case of parental leave. A detailed evaluation will be conducted upon commencing employment or in the case of continued employment to ascertain whether any time remains in these periods pursuant to the WissZeitVG. Positions in third-party-funded projects are also governed by this law and are subject to individual assessment prior to concluding the contract.
What professional development opportunities are there at Universität Hamburg?
Individual courses are designed to assist our staff with their workplace-related tasks and to provide them with more profound and up-to-date knowledge and skills in their area. The goal is to support University staff by providing effective and long-term professional development options and thus enable them to perform their existing tasks to the best of their ability and to face new challenges. Staff may also undertake continuing education part-time to improve their career opportunities and obtain further qualifications while working.
We provide support in planning their professional development and careers. In addition to an individual consultation to reflect on their professional development and opportunities for change as well as for planning their next steps, our staff also have the opportunity to gain new professional perspectives from other areas of the University through work shadowing and the substitution pool. As a provider of professional development for all City of Hamburg staff, the center for continuing education (Zentrum für Aus- und Fortbildung, ZAF) provides a range of opportunities for professional and personal skill development.
The comprehensive professional development program offered by the ZAF includes courses on budgeting and business administration, organization, human resources, and health. We also offer customized programs on cross-disciplinary qualifications in the academic context and career development for academics working toward their qualifications.
Types of employment at Universität Hamburg
Who is my employer, the University or the City of Hamburg?
You are employed by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH), meaning you have access to both the internal Universität Hamburg job portal and the FHH job portal for professional development.
Can I acquire tenured academic office or civil servant status at Universität Hamburg?
You may acquire tenured academic office by working in the academic areas of the University or acquire civil servant status by working in the administrative areas of the University. This depends on an applicant’s personal skills and on the general conditions of the position they are to hold. You can see if a position offers the possibility of becoming a civil servant in the job advertisement.
What types of employment are available to students?
The University of Hamburg offers diverse work opportunities for students, for instance, as graduate research / teaching assistants in Studies and Teaching or as student employees for temporary tasks in technical, library and administrative services. See our overview of job opportunities for students.
Job ads for students will be published via the Stellenwerk Hamburg job portal or via postings in the relevant work areas of the University.
What vocational training opportunities does Universität Hamburg offer?
Universität Hamburg provides training in chemistry, fine mechanics, ornamental and perennial plant gardening, gardening and landscaping, and in commercial activities. Training places are announced every summer break on the University job ad pages as well as on Facebook and Instagram. Training places that remain vacant are also announced again at a later date on the job ad pages of Universität Hamburg.
Applying for a job at Universität Hamburg
How do I find current vacancies at Universität Hamburg?
Universität Hamburg publishes job opportunities daily.
What should I expect at the job interview?
Job interviews at Universität Hamburg are conducted by each area individually. These interviews usually last for between 45 and 90 minutes. The questions and tasks for the position are drawn from the tasks and duties described in the job advertisement. Generally, the interview panel will consist of the supervisor of the area looking to employ, Staff Council representatives, equal opportunity representatives, and—where necessary—a representative for severely disabled staff. Should you be applying for a leadership position, you may also be expected to complete preemployment testing (assessment center) tasks.
Will I receive a confirmation that my application has been received?
Yes, on receipt of your application, you will be sent an automated confirmation immediately.
If you cannot find an email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you cannot find a notification there either, please send an email to bewerbungen"AT"uni-hamburg.de so that we can check your case.
When can I expect a response to my application?
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific time frame, as application processing depends on multiple factors—for example, the number of applications received. However, you will receive a confirmation of receipt from us immediately on receipt of your application.
How do I find out the current status of an academic search procedure for a professor?
The current status of ongoing or recently completed academic search procedures at Universität Hamburg can be seen in this overview. All applicants will be personally informed after a procedure has been completed.
How long does the application process take?
The assessment criteria are determined by the position description and used to compile a short list of applicants to be invited to a job interview. This decision making process can take from 4 to 8 weeks. Decisions regarding appointments are usually made from 8 to 10 weeks after the end of the application period. This does not apply for professorial appointments which take longer due to complex academic search procedures.
Whom can I contact if I have questions on the status of my application?
If you have any questions or problems, contact the person named in the job advertisement.
Who can see my data?
When you apply for an advertised position, the responsible staff, committees, and the Recruitment Office will see your data.
The job advertisement states that men are underrepresented in that salary group and are encouraged to apply. As a woman, should I apply anyway?
Everyone who is appropriately qualified should apply. Staff selection is strictly driven by merit. We aim to identify the best-qualified person for the advertised position. As gender-balanced teams is a quality we strive for in our employment strategy, we dedicate particular attention to gender underrepresentation.