Welcome, First-Semester Students!Video Campus Tour of Von-Melle-Park
29 October 2020, by Anna Priebe
A campus tour or rally is a standard feature of most orientation modules at the beginning of the winter semester. These will not take place this year due to coronavirus measures. As an alternative, we have prepared a video campus tour.
The focus is the Von-Melle-Park campus, including the Main Building, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, and Audimax. In addition to interesting facts, it provides some historical insight, the most important hygiene rules for all University buildings, and links to further information. An English version is being prepared.
We wish you lots of fun discovering Universität Hamburg!
Discover the University with your smartphone.
What do the Main Building and the Eiffel Tower have in common? Use your smartphone to find out and to learn more about the campus—individually and in compliance with the hygiene and distancing rules. Find all the information you need on the campus tour website.