11 March 2024
International experts for the cityMIN För Hamburg Granted over €1 Million
Photo: UHH/Dingler
MIN-Studium international: Förderung für den Hamburger Arbeitsmarkt—MIN För Hamburg for short—has been conceived such that potential international experts enjoy targeted support from their first contact to Universität Hamburg to their degree. For example, prospective students get specific information and advice on the day-to-day of studying at Universität Hamburg, enrolling, and entering the country while enrolled students can take advantage of language courses, workshops to gain professional qualifications, and mentoring throughout their studies, among other offers.
This project targets people in informatics, mathematics, physics, and teacher training for comprehensive schools. Students already enrolled in these areas are also welcome. The new offer should reach roughly 1,300 international students by 2028. There will be 4 project phases—arriving in Germany, language courses while studying, preparing for the German labor market, and networking for the transition to a job.
Depending on subject, international students will receive different kinds of support, for example, with courses on German for specific uses. Moreover, new formats will be combined with established offers such as PIASTA (Intercultural Living and Learning). And tried-and-true cooperation with specialist institutions in Hamburg, for example the office for migration and the Hamburg Welcome Center for Professionals form part of the concept.
“On the one hand, we want to guide the students on their way to a successful degree from their program; on the other to prepare them concretely for Hamburg’s labor market and interest them in long-term work in Hamburg,” explains Dr. Torsten Szobries, head of Section 52: International Student Services and Mobility at Universität Hamburg.
The DAAD is supporting the project with over €1 million within the scope of the Campus Initiative international Fachkräfte. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing a total of around €120 million for 114 projects at 104 universities. MIN För Hamburg is part of the FIT: Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt program.