21 October 2021
A campus for global healthUniversität Hamburg accepted into European university network

Photo: Universität Hamburg / Schell
EUGLOH’s vision is to train future generations of European experts in the area of global health. Here, the understanding of “global health” is based on the knowledge that health is no longer understood in the traditional medical sense or only restricted to people; rather, it follows a holistic approach that prioritizes interdisciplinary collaboration. In addition, the insight that societal challenges cannot be tackled nationally but require transnational efforts also plays an important role.
Accordingly, the EUGLOH seeks to prepare future experts to work in international and interdisciplinary teams developing research-based solutions for societal issues. Therefore, the EUGLOH will establish a European campus that incorporates various partners to provide a high degree of joint structures. With this approach, EUGLOH wants to establish itself as a leading alliance in the field of global health and thus not only strengthen Europe as a location for higher education and research but also convey European values such as equal opportunity and inclusion.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen, President of Universität Hamburg explains, “Universität Hamburg is extremely delighted to also be a member of a European university alliance in the field of global health. This places it among other excellent European universities: Université Paris-Saclay (France), Lund University (Sweden), University of Porto (Portugal), University of Szeged (Hungary), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), University of Alcalá (Spain), University of Novi Sad (Serbia), and University of Tromsø (Norway). We know how to make use of this intensive cooperation for the further development of the European idea for Universität Hamburg.”
The consortium’s founding members are Université Paris-Saclay, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the University of Lund (which is also one of Universität Hamburg’s strategic partners), the University of Porto, and the University of Szeged.
The European University Networks initiative has been funded by the EU since 2019. Cross-border mobility of teachers, students, and researchers across Europe; outstanding education of new quality; and close cooperation in research and teaching— this is the vision of European higher education institutions. The idea came from France’s President Emmanuel Macron and there are now 41 of these networks. These transnational alliances aim to establish sustainable joint structures and programs that promote European values and deal with societal challenges.