25 November 2019
Tricontinental Teacher TrainingDAAD to Support the Internationalization of Teacher Training at Universität Hamburg
Photo: UHH/Dechant
In the future the Tricontinental Teacher Training program will offer trainee teachers at the three universities the opportunity to experience foreign languages, cultures, and other education systems first hand.
University president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen: “These days, globalization often has a decisive impact on the demands made of prospective teachers in their professional lives. Hence the aspects of internationality, interculturalism, and multilingualism must be firmly embedded in teacher training. I am delighted that we can offer trainee teachers at our University this outstanding opportunity over the coming three years and at the same time further our cooperation with the two international partner universities.”
Students are prepared for their stay abroad at their home university by being familiarized with concepts of intercultural comparative educational science and intercultural sensitization. Hamburg students spend four weeks at the partner university in the USA or Ghana.
During their time abroad (winter school), they work as assistants at schools in the host country and attend seminars at the host university to reflect on the theory behind their experiences. The students involved in the trilateral network are assigned a tandem partner. The tandem partners from the USA or Ghana then attend a joint summer school at Universität Hamburg. Students and teachers use a virtual seminar format before, during, and after their stay abroad to enable continuous collaborative work despite the physical distance.