35 years of the Peaceful RevolutionRemembrance Project: New Traveling Exhibition Offers Various Interactive Formats
28 October 2024, by Newsroom editorial office

Photo: University of Hamburg/Röttger
What experience did contemporary witnesses, who moved from the GDR to Hamburg, go through during their journey and their arrival? On 4 November 2024, a new traveling exhibition, that makes individual memories tangible, will open as the result of a cooperation project between the University and the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg.
The exhibition “Demokratie vor Ort — Persönliche Erinnerungen von Hamburger:innen aus der DDR“ familiarizes visitors with personal stories and experiences of people who made their way from the GDR to Hamburg at different times and in a variety of ways. The stories are about escape or displacement, departure, and arrival in a new life. Displayed are the initial findings from the project “Orte der (Un-)Sichtbarkeit,” conducted from 2021–2024 in the Public History research group of the University of Hamburg.
“Back then, we developed 5 multimedia tours for 16 places in Hamburg’s urban area. The new exhibition not only provides numerous audiowalk impressions, but also focuses on informing about the history of democracy, thus connecting the dots between then and now,“ says Theresa Hertrich, who jointly coordinates the subsequent project “Demokratie vor Ort: Resonanz-Raum-Ausstellung” and the current traveling exhibition with Jan Krawczyk in the University’s Public History working group.
Exchange and participation
Starting at Kulturhaus Süderelbe, the traveling exhibition is to become a place of exchange through various formats for addressing democracy-specific issues against the backdrop of a divided Germany. Among other things, the exhibition is accompanied by a diverse program, including tours, lectures, and workshops for different target groups—mostly related to the upcoming 35th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution and the reunification of Germany. On 5 November 2024, at 6 pm, there will be a panel discussion on elections and voting titled “Vor der Wahl ist nach der Wahl — Über das Privileg, wählen zu dürfen” with Dr. Volker Höffer, head of the Stasi Records Archive in Rostock, and contemporary witnesses.
In line with the initial project, the primary focus is on driving visitor feedback: The exhibition offers hands-on activities which enable visitors to make their thoughts and positions on the exhibits visible.
The exhibition opens on 4 November 2024 at 6 pm in the foyer of the Kulturhaus Süderelbe in Neugraben and closes on 30 January 2025. Admission is free. Interested groups or institutions can contact the project team(theresa.hertrich"AT"uni-hamburg.de) to sign up for workshops or joint events.
Press briefing on 4 November 2024
On 4 November from 12 noon, members of the media are welcome to be the first to visit the exhibition during a press briefing in the Kulturhaus Süderelbe, Am Johannisland 2, 21147 Hamburg. Register per email!(theresa.hertrich"AT"uni-hamburg.de)
“Demokratie vor Ort: Resonanz-Raum-Ausstellung” is a Public History research project led by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Logge from the University of Hamburg and Dr. Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann from the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg. The project is funded by the Stiftung Orte der deutschen Demokratiegeschichte