On-site and live-streamed eventOn 1 April, Find Out All You Need to Know about the Excellence Strategy
11 March 2025, by Ed.

Photo: Frank von Wieding
“Into the Future with Excellence” is the title of the event to which all University members are invited. On Wednesday, 1 April 2025, participants can expect information and an exchange about the University of Excellence’s successes to date and current plans. The event will also be live streamed.
The University of Hamburg is in the middle of a decisive process. This year, it is being evaluated as a University of Excellence for the first time. What, however, does that specifically mean for the University and its members?
At the event “Into the Future with Excellence: Live Session on the University of Hamburg in the Excellence Strategy,” the Executive University Board will provide information on current developments. People involved in Excellence Strategy projects will present what has been made possible so far through funding from the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments and where the University currently stands. At the end of the event, questions can be put to those responsible for the projects.
The event takes place on 1 April, 1–3 pm, at Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 (east wing) in room 221.
The event is open only to University members. Registration for on-site participation (be aware that there are a limited number of places) or for the live stream is possible from 12 March via the website uhh.de/exstra-live. Questions can also be submitted in advance via the website.
The event will be held in German, but the presentation will be shown in English. A sign language interpreter can be requested if required.
Background to the evaluation of Universities of Excellence in 2025
Unlike clusters of excellence, Universities of Excellence receive their title and the corresponding funding on a permanent basis. Nevertheless, they must fulfill certain requirements for continued funding. First, they must successfully apply for at least 2 clusters of excellence. Second, an assessment is made on whether the goals set in the first funding phase have been achieved and what impact has unfolded at the respective location. For this purpose, the University of Hamburg—like all other German Universities of Excellence—will submit a self-assessment in the summer of 2025. The University will also present the work it has carried out to a group of evaluators in the fall of 2025. The evaluation results will be announced in March 2026. The next funding phase will begin in 2027 and will again last 7 years.