Climate change, transport transformation, and demographic change“Please turn the page!” Discussing social change together
5 November 2021, by Christina Krätzig

Photo: Pixabay CC0
The conference series Hamburger Horizonte, co-initiated by Universität Hamburg, will take place this year on 18 and 19 November. Researchers and the public will discuss social changes and how we can respond to them.
Ideas such as climate change; energy, food, and agricultural transformation; or demographic change and transport transformation have currency in public discourse. The urgency of comprehensive social change is impossible to ignore in the face of ecological developments such as the climate crisis and species extinction. But what exactly, do we need to turn away from or change? And how?
At the Hamburger Horizonte 2021 conference series “Please Turn the Page!” researchers and the public will discuss whether and how such transformations can be steered, whether basic changes in habit are possible, and individual responsibility.
The conference will open with a reception in the Senate at Hamburg’s city hall. Frank Fehrenbach, a professor at Universität Hamburg, and Christopher Clark, a professor of modern European history at St. Catharine’s College in Cambridge, will introduce the topic. On 19 November, the topic will be explored in depth in panel discussions and short talks at the KörberForum. Prof. Dr. Anita Engels, Prof. Dr. Stefan Aykut, and Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff from Universität Hamburg will take part alongside Prof. Dr. Matthew Gandy and Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog, both fellows at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS).
Interested parties can register until 12 November to take part in person for either one or both dates. Participation is free but seating is limited. Attendees must be vaccinated or recovered (2G rule). You can also attend the conference and ask questions via interactive live stream. See the conference website (in German) for the program and the registration form to participate in person or via live stream.
Hamburger Horizonte and the Excellence Strategy
The Hamburger Horizonte conference series has been taking place annually since 2017. It illuminates changing topics of special social relevance. The conference is jointly organized by the Körber-Stiftung and the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS). It was initiated by Universität Hamburg jointly with the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg; the Ministry of Science, Research, Equalities and Districts (BWFGB); and the Körber-Stiftung.
The Hamburger Horizonte is one of Universität Hamburg’s international strategy conferences. These are an important building block in our flagship university concept: Innovating and Cooperating for a Sustainable Future. This was the concept that led to our success in the Excellence Strategy, a national funding competition to foster top research. Hamburger Horizonte is being financed partially from the Excellence Strategy funds and partially by the Körber-Stiftung.
The conference goal is to support scientific dialog with the public at large with a focus on current research findings; to promote the visibility and networking of the fellows at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) as they pursue their work in Hamburg; and to internationalize Hamburg’s academic profile. Via their Advanced Fellowships, HIAS fellows also benefit from Excellence Strategy funding granted to Universität Hamburg.