Subproject 1
Integration of dynamic belief updating across mental disorders and contexts
Project PIs:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth | Dr. Rasmus Bruckner |
Understanding clinical and developmental manifestations of dynamic belief updating is critical for identifying the determinants of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in an uncertain and changing world. The central goal of this “Integration” project is to combine the data from the other projects of the Research Unit to perform large-scale analyses that cut across clinical dimensions, and developmental as well as environmental contexts (e.g., threat, stress, reward). These analyses will be augmented by developing an advanced process model of learning and decision-making behaviour in the commonly used change-point task. The project will also monitor the progress of the other projects and will offer support to achieve those goals and to implement project-specific requirements that are related to computational modelling. We will combine extensive modelling of behavioural and physiological data from the change-point task with latent-variable analyses of the rich information about socio-demographic, psychological, clinical and environmental characteristics from the individual projects. Based on combining a rich and large-scale dataset with extensive computational modelling, we expect the integration project to yield ground-breaking insights into the clinical and developmental as well as environmental context-driven commonalities and differences of dynamic belief updating, which would be impossible to gain from single studies of individual projects only.