Universität Hamburg
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Institutions and target groups
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family-friendly campus
Central Institutions
University Administration
Executive University Board
Space Management Unit
Institutional Research Unit
Stabsabteilung Organisation und Gesundheit
Professorial Appointments Unit
Legal Unit
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Internal Auditing Unit
Anti-Corruption Unit
Equal Opportunity Unit
Smart Administration
Center for Collections and Museums
Department 1: University Strategy
Section 11: University Development
Section 12: Excellence Strategy
Section 13: Quality Management
Department 2: Communication and Marketing
Section 21: Media and Public Relations
Section 22: Digital Communication and Design
Section 23: Marketing and Cooperation
Department 3: Studies and Teaching
Section 30: Advising and Administration
Section 31: Quality Management and Legal Affairs
Department 4: Research Management and Funding
Section 41: Research Management I (MIN excluding Dept. of Physics, Medicine)
Section 42: Research Management II (Humanities, Law, Education, Economics and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Psychology and Human Movement, Physics)
Sec. 43: Early Career Research Support
Section 45: External Funding Management
Department 5: International Affairs
Section 51: Strategy and Partnerships
Section 52: International Student Services and Mobility
PIASTA (Intercultural Living and Learning)
Department 6: Human Resources
Section 61: Strategic HR Development and Recruiting
Section 62: HR Services for Collective Wage Agreement Staff
Section 63: HR Services for Professors, Civil Servants, and Student Employees
Section 64: HR Cost Control and Position Management
Department 7: Finance and Accounting
Section 71: Financial Accounting
University Paying Office
Section 72: Controlling
Section 73: Purchasing and Travel Management
Bahrenfeld Purchasing Team
Bundesstraße Purchasing Team
Campus Purchasing Team
University Administration Purchasing Team
Department 7: Investment and Asset Management
Section 75: External Funding Management
Section 8: Liegenschaftsmanagement
Section 81: Commercial Property Management
Section 82: Building Maintenance and Services
Section 83
Sec. 84
Section 85
Department 86
Property Data Management Unit
Student body
Student Council
Student parliament
Other institutions
General languages
Career Center
Digital Office
University Guest House
University Sports
Fitnessstudio Hochschulsport Hamburg
Fitnessstudio an der Technischen Universität Hamburg
Fitnessstudio an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
International Housing
University Postal Service
Room of Contemplation
University Language Center
Sustainability Office
Tiny House: Meeting point and event space
Knowledge Exchange Agency
University Print Service
Universität Hamburg Marketing GmbH
University Music
Hamburg Center for Teacher Training
ISP Praktikumsbüro
Clusters of Excellence, Collaborative Research Centers, Research Units, Research Training Groups
Clusters of exzellence
The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging: Cluster of Excellence Advanced Imaging of Matter
Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe
Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts
Collaborative research centers
Collaborative Research Center “Immune-Mediated Glomerular Diseases—Basic Concepts and Clinical Implications” (SFB 1192)
Adenine Nulceotides in Immunity and Inflammation
Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability
SFB/ TRR 289: Treatment Expectation - The impact of expectation on health outcome
Brown and Beige Fat – Organ Crosstalk, Signaling and Energetics (BATenergy)
Collaborative Research Center/Transregio “Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean” (TRR 181)
Collaborative Research Center/Transregio “Cross-Modal Learning: Adaptivity, Prediction and Interaction” (TRR 169)
Research training groups
Research Training Group “Interconfessionalism in the Early Modern Period” (GRK 2008)
Research Training Group “Economics of Internationalization of Law” (GRK 1597)
State Excellence Initiatives: Clusters and graduate school
Cluster of Excellence Nano-Spintronics
German Research Foundation (DFG) research units
DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe: Kontexteinflüsse auf dynamische Lernprozesse in sich verändernden Umgebungen: Grundlegende Mechanismen und klinische Implikationen
Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies: Futures of Sustainability
Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies: Imaginaries of Force
Centre for Advanced Studies: RomanIslam – Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies
Faculties, departments, and academic institutions
(1) Faculty of Law
Professorships and institutes
Public Law
Institute of Law and Economics
Institute of Maritime Law and Maritime Trade Law
Institute of International Affairs
Professorship for Public Law, Information and Communication Law, Health Law and Legal Theory
Professorship for Public Law, Environmental Law and Philosophy of Law
Professorship for Public Law and Social Law
Professorship for Public Law and European Law
Professorship for Public Law, European and International Public Law
Professorship for Foreign and International Finance and Taxation Law
Professorship for Public Law, International Public Law and Comparative Public Law
Professorship for Public Law, Media Law and Public Law including Theoretical Foundations
Professorship for Public Law, Media and Telecommunications Law
Professorship for international Law of the Sea and International Environmental Law, Public International Law and Public Law
Junior Professorship for Behavioral Law & Economics
Civil Law
Nucleus-Professorship for Global Legal History, Private Law, and Computational Legal Theory
Professorship for Economic Analysis of Law
Professorship for Civil Law, Labor Law, Corporate Law, and Comparative Law
Professorship for Civil Law, Legal Dialog with Developing Countries
Professorship for Civil Law and Insurance Law
Professorship for for Economics Analysis of Law
Professorship for Civil Law, History of German Law, Private Law in Modernity
Criminal Law
Professorship for German, European and International Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure, Digitization and Law
Professorship for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Including its International and Historical Context
Professorship for Criminal Law, Jurisprudence / Philosophy of Law
Professorship for Criminal Law and Criminology
Assistant professor for Criminal Law, International Criminal Law and Criminology
Scientific Institutions by the Faculty
Research Center for Environmental Law
China-EU School of Law (CESL)
Center for Teaching Methodologies in Law
Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law
Research Center for Social Law and Social Policy
Office of the dean (Faculty of Law)
Examinations office (Faculty of Law)
Scientific Institutions
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
(2) Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Office of the dean (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences Administration
Department of Economics
History of Economic Thought
Professorship for Financial Economics
Professorship for Sustainability Economics
Professorship for Empirical Health Economics
Professorship for Economics
Professorship for Growth and Business Cycles
Professorship for Economic Policy
Professorship for Political Economy
Microeconomic Theory and Experiments
Professorship for Microeconomics and Industrial Organization
Professorship for Methods in Economics
Professorship for Media Economics
Junior Professorship for Macreoeconomics and Fiscal Policy
Substitute professorship for financial market economics
Department of Social Sciences
Research Office for Social Innovation
Political Science
Professorship for Comparative Politics
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH)
Professorship for Political Theory
Professorship for political science and international relations (IFSH)
Professorship for Political Science, in particular international relations and global health
Professorship for Political Science, especially Methods
Professorship for Political Science and International Relations
Professorship for political science and international relations, and GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Professorship in political science and Asian studies
Professorship for political science with a focus on globalisation and goverance in climate policy
Professur für Politikwissenschaft, insb. Global Governance
Political Science, especially History and Theory of Political Thought
Professur für Politikwissenschaft, insb. Gesellschaft und Politik Lateinamerikas
Journalism and Communication Studies
Professor of Communication Studies, Climate and Science Communication
Journalism and Communication Studies, Practice of Quality Journalism
Professorship for journalism and mass communication, digital journalism
Digitized Communication and Sustainability
Professorship for journalism and mass communication, empirical communication research
Mercator Endowed Chair on the social dynamics of ecological transformation
Professorship for the Sociology of Digital Social Science
Sociology with a focus on violence and security
Assistant Professor in Sociology of Science
Economic and Organizational Sociology
Ecologization and Quantative Methods of Social Research
Globalization, Environment and Society
Analysis of Society and Social Change
General Sociology
Criminological Research
Safety and Resiliance
Department of Socioeconomics
Business Administration
Professorship for Public Management
Professorship for Marketing and Innovation
Professorship for Financial Economics (Derivatives)
Professorship for Management and Digital Markets
Professorship for Human Resources
Professorship for Human Resource Management and Gender
Professorship for Business Ethics and Management
Professorship for Organization Studies
Professorship for Organization and Management
Professorship for Management and Sustainability
Professorship for the Management of Public, Private and Nonprofit Organizations
Professorship for Capital Markets and Management
Professorship of business administration, especially financial accounting, auditing and sustainability
Professorship for Management and Sustainability
Professorship of business administration, especially sustainable business
Professorship of business administration, especially sustainable investment & management
Junior Professorship for Business Administration with a Focus on the Circular Economy
Professorship for Public Law, European Law and International Economic Law
Professorship for Civil and Commercial Law, esp. Banking, Capital Markets and Consumer Law
Lifestyle and Sustainability
Professorship for the Sociology of Work, Organization and Innovation
Professorship for Social Research Methods
Professorship for the Sociology of Social Change
Professorship for the Sociology of Dynamics and Regulation of Economy and Society
Professorship for the Sociology of Science Studies and Innovation Research
Junior Professorship of Sociology, especially Economic Sociology
Junior Professorship for Sociology, in particular Work, Organization, and Gender
Substitute professorship for Dynamics and Regulation of Economy and Society
Professorship for Environmental Economics
Professorship for Health Economics and Social Policy
Professorship for Economics, Public Finance and Public Governance
Professorship for Applied Economics
Labor Market, Migration, Gender
Professorship for Economics, Digital Economics
Junior Professorship for Economics, especially Behavioral Economics of Health
Junior Professorship for Economics, with a focus on International Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Center for Sustainable Society Research
Graduate School in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
GIGA professorships (GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies)
Hamburg Institute of International Economics
WiSo Research Laboratory
WiSo Research Laboratory
(3) Faculty of Medicine
Office of the dean (Faculty of Medicine)
Department of Ophthalmology
Center for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Department of Intensive Care Medicine
Center for Obstetrics and Paediatrics
Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Institute of Human Genetics
University Heart Center
Department of General and Interventional Cardiology
Department of Cardiology, Electrophysiology
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Department of Vascular Medicine
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Center for Internal Medicine
I. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic—Gastroenterology with the Sections Infectiology and Tropical Medicine
III. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic—Nephrology/Rheumatology with the Section Endocrinology
Department of Visceral Transplantation
Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Head and Neurocenter
Department of Neurology
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Otolaryngology
Department of Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Center for Oncology
II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic—Oncology, Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation with the Section Pneumology
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation
Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology
Center for Surgical Sciences
Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery
Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Department of Orthopedics
Urological Department
Department of Gynecology
Center for Psychosocial Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Institute of Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry
Institute and Outpatients Clinic of Medical Psychology
Institute of General Practice / Primary Care
Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine
Institute of Health Economics and Health Services Research
Institute for Medical Sociology
Institute of Occupational and Maritime Medicine
Institute of Health Care Research in Dermatology and Nursing (IVDP)
Center for Dental and Oral Medicine
Department of Orthodontics
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
Polyclinic of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry
Functional Area Dental X-Ray
Center for Diagnostics
Institute of Clinical Chemistry / Central Laboratories
Institute of Transfusion Medicine
Institute of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene
Institute of Immunology
Institute of Pathology with the Sections Molecular Pathology and Cytopathology
Institute of Neuropathology
Institute of Legal Medicine
Center for Radiology and Endoscopy
Department of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology
Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology
Department of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy
Center for Experimental Medicine
Institute of Neuroanatomy
Institute of Anatomy and Experimental Morphology
Institute of Biochemistry and Signal Transduction
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology
Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Institute of Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Institute of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology
Institute of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology
Institute of Computational Neuroscience
Institute of Tumor Biology
Institute of Systems Neuroscience
Institute of Osteology and Biomechanics
Institute of Experimental Immunology and Hepatology
Institute of Experimental Cardiovascular Research
Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg
Institute of Molecular Neurogenetics
Institute of Synaptic Physiology
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Cognition
Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis
Institut of Medical Systems Biology
(4) Faculty of Education
ZLH internship office
Office of the dean (Faculty of Education)
Education Media Center
Non-School Internships Center
Diagnostics and Evaluation Center
Professional Teachers’ Activities to Promote Subject-Based Learning Under Changing Social Conditions (ProfaLe)
Departments in the Faculty of Education
Education 1: Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education
Educational and Social Transformation Research
Basic Research in Education
Evaluation of Educational Systems
Intercultural and International Comparative Education
Media and Aesthetic Education
Education 2: Department of Primary and Secondary Education, Social Education, Special Needs Education and Psychology in Education and Teaching
Special Needs Education
Early Childhood and Primary Education
Teaching and Research on Schools
Social Pedagogy
Education 3: Department of Professional Education and Life-Long Learning
Institute of Vocational and Business Education
Technology Education
Business Education
Education 4: Department of Languages and Aesthetic Disciplines Education
Exercise, Games and Sports
Visual Arts
Ancient Languages and Philosophy Education
German Language and Literature Education
English Language and Literature Education
Romance Languages Education
Russian Education / Turkish Education
Music Education
Theater Education and Performing Arts
Education 5: Department of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education
Physics Education
Informatics Education
Chemistry Education
Geography Education
Biology Education
History Education
Mathematics and Introductory Mathematics Education
Philosophy Education
General Studies Education
Social Studies Education (Politics, Sociology, Economy, Law)
Religious Education
Scientific Institutions
Hamburger Schulmuseum (Hamburg School Museum)
(5) Faculty of Humanities
Office of the dean (Faculty of Humanities)
Faculty of Humanities administration
Department of Protestant Theology
Institute of Old Testament Studies
Institute of New Testament Studies
Institute of Church History and the History of Dogma
Institute of Systematic Theology
Institute of Practical Theology
Institute of World Christianity and Religious Studies
Department of Languages, Literature and Media (SLM I and II)
Informationstechnologie SLM I und II
CIP Pools
SLM Library
Media Center in the Departments of Languages, Literature and Media (MZ SLM)
Studies and Careers Center (AStuB)
Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology (ICN)
Center for Linguistics (ZfS)
Department of Languages, Literature and Media (SLM I)
Institute for German Language and Literature
Research Center for the Low German Hamburg Dictionary
Institute for German Language and Literature: Degree programs
Middle Low German Dictionary
Modern German Literature
Hamburg Research Center for the Goethe Dictionary
Walter A. Berendsohn Research Center for German Exile Literature (BfdE)
Research Center for Gender Research and Cultural Theory
Research Center for the History of Knowledge and Literature (AGWL)
Research Center for Intercultural Literature and Media Studies
Institute of Media and Communications
Center for Film and Television Research (FFF)
Research Center for Graphic Literature (ArGL)
Institute of German Sign Language and Communication of the Hearing Impaired
Department of Languages, Literature and Media (SLM II)
Institute of Greek and Latin Philology
Teuchos Center for Manuscript and Text Research
Research Section of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg: The Lexicon of Early Greek Epic
Institute of English and American Studies
University Players Theatre Workshop
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
Hamburg Center for Multilingualism and Language Contacts (HAZEMS)
Institute of Slavic Studies
Institute of Uralic Studies
Department of History
Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg (FZH)
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
Institute for the History of the German Jews (IGdJ)
Department of Philosophy
Institut für Liberal Arts & Sciences (ILAS)
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Studies in Culture and Arts
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Institute of Archaeology
Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology
Institute of Archaeology and Cultural History of the Ancient Mediterranean
Gipsabguss-Sammlung antiker Skulpturen
Subject Group Egyptology
Art History Seminar
Institute of Historical Musicology
Institute of Systematic Musicology
University Music
Institute of Cultural Anthropolgy
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
Hamburg State Opera
Museum am Rothenbaum – Kulturen und Künste der Welt
Hamburger Kunsthalle
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Historic Museums Hamburg
Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
Altonaer Museum
Archaeological Museum Hamburg
Museum of Work
Department of Asia-Africa Studies
Turkey Europe Center
Numata Center for Buddhist Studies
Japanese Studies
Language and Culture of China
Korean Studies
Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia
Thai Studies
Vietnamese Studies
Austronesian Studies
Indian and Tibetan Studies
History and Culture of the Middle East
Islamic Studies
Turkish Studies
Iranian Studies
African Languages and Ethiopian Studies
Hiob Ludolf Center for Ethiopian Studies
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Department of Religions
Institute for Alevi Theology
Institute for Islamic Theology
Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion
Institute of Catholic Theology
Academy of World Religions at Universität Hamburg
(6) Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Office of the Dean (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences)
Department of Biology
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
Applied Plant Ecology
Aquatic Ecophysiology and Phycology
Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology
Biodiversity of Crop Plants
Developmental Biology
Plant Biochemistry and Infection Biology
Microbiology and Biotechnology
Molecular Plant Genetics
Molecular Plant Physiology
Molecular Phytopathology
Systematics and Evolution of Plants
Herbarium Hamburgense
Institute for Zoology
Genome Informatics
History of Science
Functional Ecology
Molecular Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Animal Physiology
Population Genetics
Animal Ecology and Conservation
Behavioural Biology
Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science
Marine Ecosystem Modeling
Plankton Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Population Dynamics of Marine Resources
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Management
Institute of Wood Science
Wood Biology
Wood Chemistry
Wood Physics
Economics of the Forestry and Wood Industry
World Forestry
Assoziierte Abteilungen
Arbeitsgruppe Advancement of Coupled Climate Ocean Ecosystem Models
Cellular Parasitology Department
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
Elbauenstation Pevestorf
Department of Chemistry
Insitute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Institute of Food Chemistry and Hamburg School of Food Science (HSFS)
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Institute of Pharmacy
Section for Pharmaceutical Biology and Microbiology
Department o Pharmaceutical Technology
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
Department of Earth System Sciences (Earth Science)
Institute of Geography (IGeogr)
Institute of Geology
Institute of Meteorology (MI)
Institute of Geophysics (IfG)
Institute of Oceanography (IMee)
Institute of Soil Sciences
Insitute of Mineralogy and Petrography
Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Risks (RUSC)
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
Max-Planck-Institute for meteorology
Bundesamt für Schifffahrt und Hydrographie
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Niederlassung Hamburg
Geologisches Landesamt Hamburg (GLA)
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
Department of Informatics
Department of Informatics Computing Center
Complex Systems Engineering
Distributed Systems
Databases and Information Systems (ISYS)
Telecommunications and Computer Networks
Security in Distributed Systems
Computer Networks
Software Engineering and Construction Methods
Information Systems Design and Gender Perspective
IT Management and Consulting
Modeling and Simulation
Distributed Operating Systems
Applied Software Technology
Information Systems, Socio-Technical System Design
Theoretical Informatics
Theory of Efficient Algorithms
Human-Centered Computing
Ethics in IT
Scene Analysis und Visualization
Image Processing
Computer Vision
Arbeitsbereich Language Technology
Semantic Systems
Language Technology
Signal Processing
Technical Aspects of Multimodal Systems
Knowledge Technology Group
Human-Computer Interaction
Machine Learning
Computing in Science
Applied Cheminformatics and Molecular Design
Computational Molecular Design
Computational Systems Biology
Scientific Computing
Hamburg Informatik-Technologie-Center e.V. (HITeC)
Department of Mathematics
Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science
Hamburg Center for Actuarial Science
Center for Mathematical Physics
Algebra and Number Theory
Analysis and Differential Geometry
Discrete Mathematics
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Optimization and Approximation
Center of Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Logic and Interdisciplinary Applications of Logic
Department of Physics
Center for Bioinformatics Hamburg
I. Institute of Theoretical Physics
II. Institute for Theoretical Physics
Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics
Center for Hybrid Nanostructures
Institute of Experimental Physics
Institute of Laser Physics
Center for Optical Quantum Technologies
Hamburg Observatory
Standortwerkstatt Bahrenfeld
Scientific institutions outside Universität Hamburg
PIER—Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research
CFEL—Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY—Photon Science
European XFEL GmbH (XFEL)
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD)
(7) Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
Institute of Human Movement Science
Educational centers
Jahnkampf Race Track
Sportpark Rothenbaum
Bartholomäus swimming pool
Olympic Training Center Dulsberg
Health Science
Culture, Media and Society
Sports and Exercise Medicine
Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy
Human Movement and Training Science
Arbeitsbereich Theorie und Praxis der Bewegungsfelder
Institute of Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Work and Organizational Psychology
Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology
Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Developmental Psychology
Research Methods and Statistics
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy with focus on Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Mechanisms of learning and change
Psychology with focus on Quantitative Methods
Educational Psychology and Personality Development
Social Psychology
Psychotherapeutic Ambulance
(8) Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School)
Focus Field Statistics and Econometrics
Professorship for Statistics
Professorship for Mathematics and Statistics in Economic Science
Focus Field Finance, Banking & Insurance
Professorship for Risk Management and Insurance
Professorship for Corporate Finance and Ship Finance
Professorship for Banking and Behavioral Finance
Junior Professorship for Corporate Finance
Junior Professorship for Maritime Economics
Focus Field Healthcare Management and Health Economics
Hamburg Center for Health Economics
Professorship for Health Care Management
Junior Professorship for Health Care Management
Professorship for Health Care Management
Focus Field Marketing
Professorship for Marketing and Branding
Professorship for Marketing and Media
Professorship for Marketing and Pricing
Professorship for Marketing and Customer Insight
Professorship for Dialog Marketing
Focus Field Operations and Supply Chain Management
Institute of Logistics
Institute of Operations Management (IOM)
Institute for Operations Research (IfOR)
Institute of Logistics, Transport and Production
Focus Field Management
Professorship for Human Resource Management
Professorship for Strategic Management
Institute of Information Systems
Institute of Information Systems I
Institute for Information Systems II
Focus Field Auditing and Taxation
Professorship for Controlling
Professorship for Economic Taxation
Professorship for Accounting and Business Accounting
Professorship for International Taxation
Professorship for Information Systems and Digital Innovation
Industrial Engineering and Management
Interdisciplinary institutions, centers and central administrative offices
Hub of Computing and Data Science
Center for Sustainable Research Data Management
International Tax Institute
Subject areas
International Tax Law
International Finance
Regional Computing Center at Universität Hamburg (RRZ)
STiNE-Team im Regionalen Rechenzentrum
RRZ barrier-free entrance
RRZ-ServiceDesk Schlüterstraße 70
RRZ-ServiceDesk VMP 9
Loki Schmidt Garden
Academy of World Religions at Universität Hamburg
Center for Continuing Education (ZfW)
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center for Science and Peace Research
Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability
Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning
Evaluation Team
Institute for Psychotherapy
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Skills
Center for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research
Academic institutions at Universität Hamburg
Altona Children’s Hospital
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg
Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology
Institute for European Integration at the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
Academy of Mission at the University of Hamburg
Nordost-Institut Lüneburg for the Culture and History of the German People in Northeastern Europe at Universität Hamburg
Transuniversity Institutions
Center for Gender & Diversity
Staff councils and special interest groups
Academic staff council UKE
Representative of the severely disabled members of the technical, library and administrative staff (excluding UKE)
WIPR Representive of Severely Disabled Academic Staff
Academic Staff Council (WIPR) (without staff of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE)
Technical, Library and Administrative Staff Council (TVPR) (without staff of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE)
Family-friendly university
Studying as a Parent—UniEltern
Advising on career and family matters—Career Center
CUI—Advising services on equal opportunity matters and work-life balance
Familiy Office
SFB 925—Advising services on equal opportunity matters and work-life balance
Studierendenwerk Hamburg: family service (information on childcare centers, financing, living)
Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling
Childcare center KinderCampus
Childcare center Bornstraße
Childcare center Die Stifte
Childcare center Hallerstraße
Childcare center UKE
Mobile Toy Box—Maimonides Centre
Mobile Toy Box—Faculty of Law
Mobile Toy Boxes—Socioeconomics Academic Office
Mobile Toy Box—Social Science Academic Office
Mobile Toy Box—Economics Academic Office
Mobile Toy Boxes—Education Academic Office
Mobile Toy Box—Hamburg Center for Teacher Education (ZLH)
Mobile Toy Box—Institute for Plant Science and Microbiology
Mobile Toy Box—Regional Computing Center
Mobile Toy Box—Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Mobile Toy Box—Hamburg Research Academy
Mobile Toy Box—Institute of Psychology
Cache Childcare Center - Department of Informatics
Parent-child room
Parent-child – room main building, east wing
Parent-child office—Bahrenfeld Campus
Parent-child room for University employees (University Administration)
Parent-child room
Parent-child room—Department of Psychology and Human Movement
Parent-child room CliSAP
Nursing and diaper changing facilities
Changing table—Career Center
Changing table—Institute for Marketing und Media
Nursing mother room—Medical Education Campus
Nursing mother and baby-changing facility—Department of Physics
Changing table—Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling (ZSPB)
Changing table—WiWi-Bunker
Changing table—main building, east wing
Changing table—main building, west wing
Baby-changing and nursing mother room—UniEltern in the WiWi-Bunker/AStA-Trakt
Changing table and children’s toilet—Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement
Changing table—Mensa-Studierendenhaus (student dining hall)
Changing table—Medical Education Campus
Changing table—State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky
Nursing mother and baby-changing facility—VMP 9
Baby-changing facilities—Geomatikum
Baby-changing facility—Department of Psychology and Human Movement
Baby-changing facility—Faculty of Law
Family-friendly student cafeterias
Juracafe UNIPARK
Café dell Arte
Campus Café
Café Canela
Café Jungiusstraße
Café Mittelweg
Botanical Garden student cafeteria
Bucerius Law School student cafeteria
Campus student cafeteria with play area
Geomatikum student cafeteria
Stellingen student cafeteria
Studierendenhaus student cafeteria
Students with disabilities and/or chronic diseases
Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Charitable Institution
Studierendenwerk Hamburg (student services)
BAföG Office
Academic offices, examinations offices, examinations boards
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law Academic Office
Faculty of Law examinations office
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
International Office—Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Academic Office in the Department of Socioeconomics
Academic Office in the Department of Economics
Academic Office in the Department of Social Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Office of the vice dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Education
Academic Office and Examinations Board in the Faculty of Education
Faculty of Humanities
Academic Office in the Department of Philosophy
Academic Office for religion-related subjects
Academic Office in the Department of Languages, Literature and Media
Academic Office in the Department of History
Academic Office in the Department of Studies in Culture and Arts
Academic Office in the Department of Asia-Africa Studies
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Academic Office in the Department of Biology
Academic Office in the Department of Chemistry
Academic Office in the Department of Earth System Sciences (Geosciences)
Academic Office in the Department of Informatics
Academic Office in the Department of Mathematics
Academic Office in the Department of Physics
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement
Academic Office in the Department of Psychology and Human Movement
Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School)
Academic Office in the Department of Business Administration
Central Examination Office for Teacher Training (Zentrales Prüfungsamt für Lehramtsprüfungen, ZPLA)
Hamburg Research Academy
Student cafeterias
Café dell Arte
Café Canela
Café Jungiusstraße
Cafe Knallhart
Café Mittelweg
Cafe Nur für Gäste
Botanical Garden student cafeteria
Bucerius Law School student cafeteria
VMP5 student cafeteria
Geomatikum student cafeteria
Mensa Philturm
Stellingen student cafeteria
Studierendenhaus student cafeteria
Pony Bar
Lecture halls
Main lecture halls
Lecture Hall A (Main Building)—ESA A
Lecture Hall B (Main Building)—ESA B
Lecture Hall C (Main Building)—ESA C
Lecture Hall H (Main Building)—ESA H
Lecture Hall J (Main Building)—ESA J
Lecture Hall K (Main Building)—ESA K
Lecture Hall M (Main Building)—ESA M
Room 221—ESA East
Room 221—ESA West
Lecture Hall A (Philosophenturm)—Phil A
Lecture Hall B (Philosophenturm)—Phil B
Lecture Hall C (Philosophenturm)—Phil C
Lecture Hall D (Philosophenturm)—Phil D
Lecture Hall E (Philosophenturm)—Phil E
Lecture Hall F (Philosophenturm)—Phil F
Lecture Hall G (Philosophenturm)—Phil G
Lecture hall Audi1 VMP4 Audimax
Auditorium Maximum 1 (Audi 1)
Auditorium Maximum 2
Lecture Hall (Faculty of Education)—Erzwiss H
Videoconferencing Room (Main Building) - AS-Saal
Videoconference Room (Regional Computer Center) - VKR
Faculty of Law
Rechtshaus Lecture Hall (Rhs Hörs.)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
WiWi-Bunker (Foyer)
WiWi-Bunker lecture hall A (WiWi A)
WiWi-Bunker lecture hall B1 (WiWi B1)
WiWi-Bunker lecture hall B2 (WiWi B2)
Lecture hall 030 (MBA HörS 030)
Lecture hall 233 (MBA HörS 233)
Lecture hall VMP9 H
School of Education, Psychology and Human Movement
Lecture hall Mol
Lecture hall VMP 11
Faculty of Humanities
Alsterterrasse lecture hall (AT)
Lecture hall with Organ (MwInst Rm 5)
Lecture hall SYSTEM (MwInst Rm 7)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
Lecture hall
Lecture Hall Kosswig at the Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum (MLK 3)
Large lecture hall at the Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum (MLK 3)
Small lecture hall at the Institute for Plant Science and Microbiology (IPM)
Large lecture hall at the Institute for Plant Science and Microbiology (IPM)
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry lecture hall A (MLKP 6 HS A)
Chemistry lecture hall B (MLKP 6 HS B)
Chemistry lecture hall C (MLKP 6 HS C)
Chemistry lecture hall D (MLKP 6 HS D)
Pharmacy lecture hall (IPharm)
Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry lecture hall (ITMC)
Department of Earth System Sciences (Earth Sciences)
Geomatikum lecture hall 1 (Geom H1)
Geomatikum lecture hall 1 (Geom H1)
Geomatikum lecture hall 2 (Geom H2)
Geomatikum lecture hall 3 (Geom H3)
Geomatikum lecture hall 4 (Geom H4)
Geomatikum lecture hall 5 (Geom H5)
Geomatikum lecture hall 6 (Geom H6)
Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography lecture hall (Grindel 48, HS)
Konrad Zuse lecture hall at the Department of Informatics (B-201)
Department of Physics
Department of Physics lecture hall I (Jungius 9, Hörs I)
Department of Physics lecture hall II (Jungius 9, Hörs II)
Department of Physics lecture hall III (Jungius 9, Hörs III)
Department of Physics lecture hall AP (Jungius 11, Hörs AP)
DESY auditorium / lecture hall (DESY building 5)
Building 61 lecture hall (Bahrenfeld)
Fahrradwerkstatt und Fahrradparkhaus
Libraries, archives and special collections
State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky
University Archives
Central Law Library
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Women's, Gender and Queer Studies Library
Curt Eisfeld Library of the Sven Eisfeld Foundation
Business and Economics Library
Social Sciences Library
International Tax Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Library
Library of the Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg
Faculty of Education / Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, library
Martha Muchow Library—Faculty of Education, Psychology and Human Movement
Faculty of Humanities
History Library
Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg library
Institute for the History of the German Jews library
Asien-Afrika-Institut Library
Theology Library
Studies in Culture and Arts Library
Art History Section and Special Collection German Bible Archive
Musicology Library
SLM Library
Linguistics and Indo-European Studies Section
English and American Studies Section
German Sign Language Section
German Language, Medieval and Early Modern German Literature, and Low German Language Section
Uralic Studies Section
French and Italian Section
Modern German Literature Section
Graphic Literature Section
German Exile Literature Library
Slavic Studies Section
Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan Section
Philosophy, History, and Classical Philology Library
Center for the History of Universität Hamburg / Hamburg Library of University History
Research Center for the History of Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Mathematics and History of Science Library
Chemistry Library
Hamburg Geographical Society Library
Soil Sciences Library
Informatics Library
Physics Library
Physics Library (Bahrenfeld Branch)
Theoretical Physics Library
Hamburg Observatory Library—Astronomy and Astrophysics Library
Department of Geology-Paleontology and Institute Mineralogy and Petrography Library
Institute of Geography Library
Human Biology Section
Biology Library (Institute for Zoology Branch)
Biology Library (Institute for Plant Science and Microbiology Branch)
The Library and Information Services for Earth System Sciences
Hans-Bredow-Institute Library
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy Library
AP 1: Allendeplatz 1 - Alter Pferdestall
AP 2: Allendeplatz 2 - Hochbunker
AT 1 : Alsterterrasse 1 - Campus-Center
BI 34: Binderstraße 34
BI 40: Binderstraße 40 - Martha-Muchow-Bibliothek
BS 83: Beim Schlump 83 - Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte
BO 11: Bogenallee 11
BU 43 : Bundesstraße 43 - Zentrum für Bioinformatik, ZBH
BU 45 : Bundesstraße 45
BU 53: Bundesstraße 53
BU 55 / Geom: Bundesstraße 55, Geomatikum
ESA 1: Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Hauptgebäude
ESA 1 O: Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ostflügel
ESA 1 W: Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Westflügel
ESP 36: Esplanade 36
FEL 70: Feldbrunnenstraße 70
GFW 3: Gorch-Fock-Wall 3
GFW 7: Gorch-Fock-Wall 5-7
GA 48 / Grindel 48: Grindelallee 48
GA 117 / Grindel 117: Grindelallee 117
GB 5: Grindelberg 5
GB 7: Grindelberg 7
GRELB 133: Große Elbstraße 133
GRE 143-145: Große Elbstraße 143-145
GRE 178-210: Große Elbstraße 178-210
HEI 116: Heilwigstraße 116 - Warburghaus
HS: Gojenbergsweg 112 - Hamburger Sternwarte
HS: Gojenbergsweg 112 - Hamburger Sternwarte
ISE 1b: Isekai 1b - Bootshaus
JO 35: Johnsallee 35
JU 9 : Jungiusstraße 9
JU 11: Jungiusstraße 11
LC 149: Luruper Chaussee 149
LC 61: Luruper Chaussee 149 - Haus 61
LC 62: Luruper Chaussee 149 - Haus 62
LC 65: Luruper Chaussee 149 - Haus 65
LC 66: Luruper Chaussee 149 - Haus 66
LC 67: Luruper Chaussee 149 - Haus 67
LEU 91: Leuschnerstraße 91
MBA 60: Max-Brauer-Allee 58-60
MI 177: Mittelweg 177
MLKP 2 / MLK 2: Martin-Luther-King-Platz 2
MLKP 3 / MLK 3: Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3 Zoologie
MLKP 6: Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
MO 18: Moorweidenstraße 18
MOL 10: Mollerstraße 10
MON 4: Monetastraße 4
MS 5: Marseiller Straße 5
NR 13: Neue Rabenstraße 13
NO 9 / NOTKE 9: Notkestraße 9
OHNHORST 18: Ohnhorststraße 18, Loki-Schmidt-Garten
OW 24: Olbersweg 24
PAP 21: Papendamm 21
RE 7 : Rentzelstraße 7
RE 17: Rentzelstraße 17
RHS: Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Rechtshaus
RO 11 / RHS 11: Rothenbaumchaussee 11
RO 33 / ZBR: Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Zentralbibliothek Recht
RO 45: Rothenbaumchaussee 45
S 51: Schlüterstraße 51
S 70 / RRZ: Schlüterstraße 70
SED 19: Sedanstraße 19
TURM 2 / TW 2: Turmweg 2
Ü 35 : Überseering 35
VKS 30: Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
VMP 2: Von-Melle-Park 2
VMP 3: Von-Melle-Park 3
VMP 4 / Audimax: Von-Melle-Park 4 - Audimax
VMP 5 / WiWi: Von-Melle-Park 5
VMP 6 / Phil: Von-Melle-Park 6 - Philturm
VMP 8: Von-Melle-Park 8, EW
VMP 9: Von-Melle-Park 9
VMP 11: Von-Melle-Park 11
WAR 26: Warburgstraße 26
WE 8: Welckerstraße 8
family-friendly cafereria
nursing and diaper changing facilities
parent-child room