About OpenOlat
Awards for OpenOlat
Here you will find a list of all the awards for the learning management system OpenOlat.
- Create your own groups and invite fellow learners
- Conduct courses and tests
- Make personal settings
- Contact other learners via email, forum, chat, and possibly virtual classrooms
- Forum
- Chat
- Blog and podcast
- Wiki
- Commenting and evaluation functions
- Project groups
- Portfolio group assignment
- Interfaces to virtual classrooms
- OnlyOffice - synchronous office tools
- Test, self-test, and survey
- Detailed assessment tool
- Test export as Word
- Question import from Excel
- Question pool with lists, central question databases, and collaboration opportunities
- Coaching tool as a cross-course assessment tool
- Statistics tool
Course Creation:
- Nearly 30 different course components
- Access control via password, group membership, date, test results, course bookings in STiNE
- Modular settings for access and visibility per course component
- Real preview function
- Archiving tool
- Decentralized member management