Index of the most important webpages of the University of Hamburg
- A -
- Abbreviations
- Academic Advising
- [Offices of] Academic affairs
- Academic Institutions at the University
- Academic Orientation for Refugees
- Academic Senate and Committee
- Addiction Counseling Office
- Administration
- Admission and Enrollment
- Advanced Studies (PDF) (only in German)
- Advertising at the University
- Advising Beginning Businesses (only in German)
- Advising for Inventors (only in German)
- Advising for Prospective and Enrolled Students
- Alumni and Alumni Associations of the University of Hamburg
- ALUHH - Alumni University of Hamburg (only in German)
- Alumni Association Department of Informatics
- Alumni Association of Hamburg Sociologists e.V. (only in German)
- Friends and Patrons of Chemistry Association of the University of Hamburg e.V. (only in German)
- Hamburg IBW Alumni Club e.V. (only in German)
- PIASTA Network
- (President's) Annual Reports
- Application and Enrollment
- Applicants (International)
- App UHH global
- Appointments
- Athletic Aptitude Test (only in German)
- Awards and Honors
- B -
- [Staff] Bicycle (only in German)
- Board of the University
- Business trips
- C -
- Cafeterias
- Campus Center
- Campus Navigator
- Career Center
- Center for Continuing Education (only in German)
- Change of address (Students)
- Childcare at the University of Hamburg / Emergency Childcare
- Children's University
- Cluster of Excellence of the University of Hamburg
- Complaints Office in accordance with the General Equal Opportunity Law (AGG Complaints Office)
- Contacts at the University Administration
- Contact Point in Case of Sexual Discrimination and Violence
- Continuing Education at the Hamburg University
- Academic Continuing Education (only in German)
- Career Center
- Institute for Continuing Education at the faculty Economic and Social Sciences (only in German)
- Regional Computing Center (only in German)
- UKE - Continuing Education in center of learning
- [International] Cooperation
- Counseling of AStA (only in German)
- Counseling for Career Entry
- Counseling for International Researcher
- Counseling for International Students (PIASTA)
- Continuing Studies for Older Adults
- Convention and Congress Management
- [Staff and Course] Catalogue of the University (PVV), (only in German)
- [Public] Course catalog
- Course Catalogue for High School Students and Prospective Students (Uni live!)
- D -
- DAAD Award
- Data protection representative
- Dates and Deadlines
- Degree completion grants
- Department of Economics
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Socioeconomics
- DFG Research Units
- Dies Academicus (only in German)
- Digitalisierung in der Lehre (DL-Portal) (only in German)
- [Contact Point in Case of Sexual] Discrimination and Violence (only in German)
- Doctoral Studies
- Donations and Endowments
- E -
- ELDORADO (only in German)
- eLearning (only in German)
- Elections
- Equal Opportunity Representative
- Erasmus-Outgoings
- EU-Projects
- Exhibition Activities and Events (only in German)
- Exmatriculation
- Expert Services
- F -
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Humanities
- Department of Protestant Theology (only in German)
- Department of Languages, Literature and Media (only in German)
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History (only in German)
- Department of Cultural History and Contemporary Culture (only in German)
- Department of Asia-Africa Studies (only in German)
- Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science (only in German)
- Fairness Guides (only in German)
- Family Office
- Free Mover
- Filing Department (only in German)
- Financing Studies
- Finding Accommodation in Hamburg
- Foreign Students
- Funding Entrepreneurs (only in German)
- Funding for Talented Students (only in German)
- G -
- General Lecture Series
- German-English glossary
- German Language Courses
- Graduate Schools (Grk)
- Guest Auditor
- Good Research Practice
- H -
- Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) (only in German)
- Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung (Hamburg Scientific Foundation) (only in German)
- Hamburg University Press
- History of the University
- [UHH] Hochschulmagazin (only in German)
- Honorary Senators of the University of Hamburg
- Human Resources Department
- I -
- Information about Application, Admission and Registration
- Information and Counseling for applicants and students
- Career Center
- Central Academic and Psychological Counseling
- Course Catalogue for High School Students and Prospective Students (Uni live!)
- European Mobility Programs (ERASMUS / SOKRATES etc.)
- Events calendar for Prospective Students (only in German)
- Group advising for prospective Students
- Information and Advising for Prospective and Enrolled Students
- Information for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students (only in German)
- Information for Foreign Students
- Information for International Students
- Information for Non-EU Applicants
- Information for Prospective Students
- Information for Students with Children
- Junior Study (only in German)
- Netzwerk Hamburger Careers Services
- School Cooperation
- Student Center (CampusCenter)
- Students Advise Students / PIASTA
- University Days (only in German)
- What, how, why to study?
- Information by the administration (idv / FID)
- Information for First-Year Students / Orientation Units
- Information on Research and Funding
- International Cooperation
- Internships and Jobs Abroad (only in German)
- J -
- Job-Portal
- Junior Scholar Groups
- Junior Study (only in German)
- K -
- Knowledge und Technology Transfer (only in German)
- L -
- Language Center (special language)
- Language Courses (common language)
- Leasing Halls
- Lecture Hall and Video Conference Room Scheduling
- Lecture Hall Guidepost
- Lecture Periods
- Lecture2go
- Lehre-Navi (only in German)
- Libraries
- Campus Catalog
- Public Libraries (only in German)
- State and University library „Carl von Ossietzky“
- Special Libraries (only in German)
- Lottery selection
- M -
- [University] Mail Service
- Map (PDF)
- Media and Public Relations
- Merchandising
- Merit scholarships
- Museums and Collections
- N -
- Netzwerk Hamburger Career Services
- New students (International)
- [Service for] Newly Appointed Professors
- News about Research Funding
- Newsroom of the University of Hamburg
- O -
- Online Application
- Organizational Chart
- Orientation Units / Information for First-Year Students
- Outgoing Students
- P -
- Pictures of the University
- Part-time Studies
- Patent Advising (only in German)
- Path to Studying
- Ph.D. Grants
- Photo Archive (only in German)
- PIASTA - Program International for All STudents and Alumni
- [Videos and] Podcasts (only in German)
- Preparatory Course for International Students
- Press Releases
- Press Review
- Pre-University Study (only in German)
- [University] Print Service
- Program Compass Psychology (only in German)
- Program for High School Students
- Promoting Young Scientists and Scholars
- Prospective Students (International)
- Psychological Counseling
- Public Events
- Q -
- Quality Management and Legal Affairs (only in German)
- Quiet Room (only in German)
- R -
- Regional Computer Center
- Regulations for Exams, Studies and Doctorates
- Representative for the Disabled (only in German)
- Research Integrity
- Research Profile
- Research Management and Funding
- Retirement Accrual: Exemption Periods (only in German)
- S -
- School Cooperation
- Search engine
- Semester Dates
- Semester Ticket
- Seminar on Choosing a Subject
- Service for Newly Appointed Professors
- [Contact Point in Case of] Sexual Discrimination and Violence (only in German)
- Special Research Areas
- Staff Bicycle (only in German)
- Staff Representatives (only in German)
- Staff and Course Catalogue of the University (PVV) (only in German)
- Start-up service (only in German)
- State and University library „Carl von Ossietzky“
- STIP OUT - Stipends for Outgoings (Hamburglobal)
- Stipends
- Student Parliament (only in German)
- Student Representatives (only in German)
- Student Representatives (AStA) (only in German)
- Student Services
- Students with Psychological Disorders
- Study and Career Orientation
- Studying Abroad
- Subject Advising and other Contacts
- Subjects and Degrees
- Sustainability at the University of Hamburg
- T -
- Table for Restricted Programs (without Teaching Degrees) (PDF) (only in German)
- Table for Restricted Programs (with Teaching Degrees) (PDF) (only in German)
- Tandem Language
- Technology Transfer
- Third-party funding
- Tips for Your Research Stay in Hamburg
- Transferring
- Travel management
- Tuition Fee
- U -
- UHH Hochschulmagazin (only in German)
- Uni live!
- Uni-Shop (only in German)
- Unitag (only in German)
- University Archive (only in German)
- University Association (only in German)
- Universitätskolleg University College (only in German)
- University Council
- University of Excellence
- University Guest House
- University Guidelines
- University in Figures (only in German)
- [State and] University library „Carl von Ossietzky“
- University Memberships
- University of Hamburg Marketing GmbH
- University Music (only in German)
- University of Hamburg Business School
- University Players
- University Press
- University Print Service
- University Regulations (only in German)
- University Religious Communities
- University Sports (only in German)
- University Study for High School Students (only in German)
- Using the University Logo
- V -
- Vacancies
- Videos [and Podcasts] (only in German)
- W -
- What, how, why to study?
- Working Group Energy and Environment (only in German)
- Work Safety and Environmental Protection Guidelines (only in German)
- Work Safety and Environmental Protection
- Work Safety Committee (ASA) (only in German)
- X -
- Y -
- [Promoting] Young Scientists and Scholars