Public Humanities and the Call for „Wissenschaftskommunikation
Foto: HIAS
When: Fri, 29.11.2024 10:30 AM until 6:30 PM
Where: HIAS -Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study, Rothenbaumchaussee 45, 20148 Hamburg
At the end of its multi-year collaboration, the DFG-funded academic network ‘Cultures of Aesthetic Resistance‘ will once again address some of its fundamental questions: What is aesthetic resistance? How does it manifest itself in philosophy, society, politics, culture and art? Who are its central actors? What makes resistance aesthetic in the first place? And under what conditions should the aesthetic be considered a phenomenon of resistance?
The members of the network invite you to discuss these and other questions with the associated researchers Iris Därmann, Juliane Rebentisch, Robert Reid-Pharr and Johannes Völz and the artist Julia Phillips at the conference ‘Aesthetic Resistance / Aesthetic Resistance’.
Workshop, organisiert von / organized by
Dustin Breitenwischer, University of Hamburg
Marina Martinez Mateo, AdBK München
Tanja-Bianca Schmidt, Technische Universität Dresden
Ablauf / Program
10:30 Eröffnung / Opening Remarks
11:00 Juliane Rebentisch, HfBK Hamburg
Ästhetischer Widerstand: 10 Thesen
12:00 Johannes Völz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Ästhetik der Demokratie: Pluralität, Dissens, Widerstand
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
15:00 Iris Därmann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Eine Frage der Antipsychiatrie: Fernand Delignys kartographischer Humanismus
16:00 Robert F. Reid-Pharr, New York University
Dear. Mr. Meeropol: James Baldwin in Anti-Communism’s Wake
Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
17:30 Artist Talk mit Julia Phillips, University of Chicago, University of Hamburg Fellow 2024-2025
Veranstaltung in deutscher und englischer Sprache / Event in German and English
Kontakt / Contact: