News (2016)23 September 2016|SprachenzentrumTestAS for RefugeesThere will be a free TestAS for refugees on November 19, 2016. Registration is possible until October 30, 2016 under the following link...8 July 2016|SprachenzentrumNew TestAS coming upThe registration for the upcoming TestAS on Saturday, October 22nd is open now until September 12th on the TestAS website www.testas.de27 April 2016|SprachenzentrumNew TestAS coming upDue to increasing demand, there will be a TestAS offered at the SZ on June 11th. Registration will be possible from May 9th - 28th via February 2016|VerwaltungTake the TestAS at the SZWe will be offering the scholastic aptitude test TestAs on Saturday, 23 April 2016. You can register from 8 February–14 March 2016 at www.testas.de11 February 2016|University Language CenterNew DSH Test at the SZWe are offering the DSH test (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) on 22.03.2016 (written part), the oral tests will take place from April...